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See what API testing solution came out on top in the GigaOm Radar Report. Get your free analyst report >>
Civil Aviation
Avionics software requires absolute safety and reliability. For over 30 years, Parasoft has been helping organizations meet rigorous standards through required best practices like unit testing, structural code coverage, object code coverage, software metrics, static code analysis and requirements traceability reporting. In civil aviation, organizations rely on DO-178C (for commercial software-based aerospace systems) and DO-278 (for communication, navigation, surveillance, and air traffic management software-based systems). In military and defense industries, where there are no strict certification specifications, some organizations volunteer to adapt DO-178/278 standards as a proven path to sufficient safety and security for created software. Parasoft provides an integrated solution to help organizations comply with the rigorous DO-178 standards.
Security is becoming a serious issue for aerospace and defense avionics. The threat of malicious interference into the software of a flying airplane is a real scenario, which development teams have to predict and prevent in an age marked by terrorism. Parasoft’s security-focused solution enables teams to get the critical feedback needed to ensure robust, secure software is delivered to market.
Coping with the growing complexity of avionics systems, organizations can use coding standards to ensure the creation of safe and secure code, along with additional software development and testing practices that are imposed by the regulatory standards used in aerospace and defense. Parasoft helps teams with these required techniques, such as model-based development, requirements based testing, unit and integration testing, and code or assembly/object code coverage monitoring.
Following all recommendations from regulatory standards requires a framework composed of multiple software tools that can exchange information, for example, to prepare reports and documentation. Instead of trying to integrate various independent software tools, which often becomes a nightmare and consumes precious time that could be spent developing core products, organizations can leverage the unified tooling of Parasoft C/C++test and C/C++test CT, which are built with the bigger picture in mind. Parasoft C/C++ testing solutions are ready to be deployed in the most complex projects.
Software compliance for aircraft starts with software engineering standards and best practices, complemented with specifications for aircraft certification. Parasoft C/C++test and C/C++test CT for C and C++ development and testing support a broad range of best practices that are proven to improve software safety and reliability in avionics.
Parasoft C/C++ testing solutions automates C and C++ static analysis and unit/component testing on host and target with comprehensive code coverage supporting multiple levels of DO-178B/C. Included in static analysis is built-in support for all the popular standards used in aviation software, like MISRA C/C++ and JSF AV C++.
Reduce the cost of developing high-quality software, without sacrificing time-to-market.
Instead of multiple fragmented solutions, Parasoft C/C++test and C/C++test CT satisfies multiple software testing methodologies required by DO-178C, including object code coverage. The comprehensiveness of Parasoft’s solution translates into a reduced learning and setup effort, in which developers don’t have to learn several tools and can focus on their core activities. Tool integrators or architects also benefit, saving time otherwise needed to implement interfaces between tools to exchange data or generate uniform reports.
Parasoft’s sophisticated reporting and analytics system integrates with the entire testing toolkit for teamwide data integration, convenient reporting, and advanced analytics. Parasoft’s Process Intelligence Engine aggregates relevant information from different sources, such as source code, requirements management systems, testing tools, and ALMs, to provide superior data analytics that help teams focus efforts in the most productive way and increase productivity by monitoring trends in the development process.
Parasoft C/C++test is supported with a DO-178C dedicated Qualification Kit that complies with standard specifications for the tool qualification process. Instead of just providing qualification support in the form of the collection of test cases and templates for scripts and reports, which require a lot of customization, Parasoft’s automated Qualification Support Tool guides users through all of the steps required to qualify the tool and automates the majority of the tedious manual work required to qualify the tool. This includes executing the test cases from the exhaustive test suite provided as well as generating the final reports required to document the qualification process. Parasoft C/C++test CT’s Qualification Kit is under development.
“Parasoft C/C++test has become the basis for safety-oriented
software development at Schaeffler Technologies AG and has
been facilitating efficient development and maintenance in times
of ever-increasing scope and complexity.”- Schaeffler Technologies AG
Hit your software quality, safety, and security targets every time.