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Web Accessibility Testing: The Value of Shifting Left

Headshot of Renata Santillan, product strategist at Parasoft
August 1, 2024
4 min read

As we move toward a more inclusive digital future, aligning with WCAG and web accessibility testing are essential. Read on to learn how shift-left web accessibility testing accelerates WCAG compliance and improves user experiences for everyone.

Let’s face it. Web accessibility often gets shoved to the back burner in development. But here’s the thing—tackling it early could be your secret weapon.

Why Web Accessibility Testing Is Crucial

For QA managers, developers, and team leads, shifting accessibility testing left offers a way to catch issues before they become costly headaches. Let’s dive into how this approach can streamline your workflow, help automate many WCAG compliance checks, and ultimately create better web experiences for everyone.

The Rise of Web Accessibility Regulations

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in regulations and standards surrounding web accessibility. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) have become the de facto standard for digital accessibility, providing a comprehensive framework for creating accessible content. Moreover, legal requirements such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States and the European Accessibility Act (EAA) in the European Union have placed greater emphasis on digital accessibility compliance.

New Requirements From the ADA and EAA

The ADA, while not explicitly mentioning websites, has been interpreted by courts to include digital spaces as “places of public accommodation.” This interpretation has led to a surge in lawsuits against companies with inaccessible websites.

Similarly, the EAA, set to be enforced by 2025, mandates accessibility for a wide range of digital products and services across the European market. These evolving legal landscapes underscore the urgency for businesses to prioritize web accessibility.

What Is Shift-Left Web Accessibility Testing?

Shift-left web accessibility testing refers to the practice of integrating accessibility considerations and testing earlier in the software development life cycle. Rather than treating accessibility as an afterthought or a final checkpoint, this approach embeds accessibility testing throughout the development process, from design to deployment.

Integration With the Development Life Cycle

By integrating accessibility testing early, developers can identify and address potential issues before they become deeply entrenched in the codebase. Teams can achieve this integration through automated tools, like Parasoft SOAtest, which allows them to incorporate accessibility checks into their existing web UI test cases.

Early Bug Detection

One of the primary benefits of shifting left is the early detection of accessibility bugs. When issues are caught in the initial stages of development, they’re typically easier and less costly to fix. This proactive approach prevents the accumulation of accessibility debt, which can be challenging and expensive to address later in the development cycle or after release.

Impact on Productivity

Contrary to the misconception that accessibility testing slows down development, shifting left can enhance overall productivity. By addressing accessibility concerns early, teams avoid time-consuming rework and last-minute scrambles to meet compliance standards. This approach aligns with Agile methodologies, promoting continuous improvement and reducing the risk of major setbacks near release dates.

Collaboration With QA Teams

Shifting accessibility testing left also fosters closer collaboration between developers and QA teams. When QA professionals are involved in accessibility testing from the outset, they can provide valuable insights and catch potential issues that might be overlooked in isolated testing phases. This collaborative approach ensures a more holistic and effective accessibility strategy.

Why WCAG Compliance Benefits Everyone

Making websites accessible to all users has many advantages. WCGA compliance promotes inclusive design principles, improves the overall experience for all types of users, and expands market reach.

Inclusive Design Principles

WCAG compliance is not just about meeting legal requirements—it’s about embracing inclusive design principles for web accessibility. When websites and applications are built with accessibility in mind, they often become more usable for all users, not just those with disabilities. Features like clear navigation, proper color contrast, and keyboard accessibility can enhance the user experience for everyone.

Improved User Experience

Accessibility features often lead to an improved overall user experience. For instance, captions on videos benefit deaf and hard-of-hearing users, as well as those in noisy environments or non-native speakers. Similarly, clear and consistent navigation helps users with cognitive impairments, along with those who are simply unfamiliar with the website.

Market Expansion

By making digital content accessible, businesses can tap into a larger market. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15% of the global population lives with some form of disability. This represents a significant market segment that might be excluded from inaccessible websites. Moreover, accessible websites often perform better in search engine rankings, potentially increasing visibility and reach.

How Parasoft Accelerates WCAG Compliance

For teams looking to shift their web accessibility testing left, Parasoft SOAtest offers a powerful solution. By leveraging existing web UI test cases, teams can efficiently scan for issues related to WCAG without significant additional effort.

Start Testing Earlier

Parasoft SOAtest allows teams to start accessibility testing early in the development process. By integrating accessibility checks into existing functional tests, developers can catch potential issues as soon as new features are implemented. This early detection prevents accessibility problems from compounding as the project progresses.

Minimizing Post-Audit Work

One of the key advantages of using Parasoft SOAtest for accessibility testing is the reduction in post-audit remediation work. Incorporating automated accessibility checks throughout the development cycle enables teams to minimize the number of issues that need to be addressed after a formal audit. This proactive approach saves time and resources and also ensures a more accessible product from the outset.

Easy Codeless Test Creation

Parasoft SOAtest offers a codeless approach to creating web accessibility tests. Testers can record scenarios in the web browser and then add the accessibility tool to seamlessly integrate WCAG checks into test executions. This user-friendly approach makes it easier for teams to adopt accessibility testing without requiring extensive coding knowledge.

Execute Accessibility Tests in CI/CD Pipelines

To support ongoing accessibility efforts, Parasoft SOAtest can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines. This integration allows teams to run accessibility checks automatically with each build, providing rapid feedback on potential WCAG violations. The ability to use SOAtest’s CLI for integration with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitLab, and GitHub ensures that accessibility testing becomes an integral part of the development workflow.

Advanced Reporting for Faster Remediation

Parasoft’s advanced reporting capabilities help teams quickly identify and address accessibility issues. Results can be published to Parasoft DTP for centralized reporting and trend analysis. The accessibility testing widget in DTP provides a visual overview of testing results, while the test explorer allows teams to drill down into specific issues, streamlining the remediation process.


Companies need web accessibility testing. Shifting it left is more than a best practice—it’s a strategic imperative in today’s digital landscape. By integrating accessibility considerations early in the development process, businesses can:

  • Create more inclusive products.
  • Comply with legal requirements.
  • Tap into broader markets.

Tools like Parasoft SOAtest make this shift easier by allowing teams to leverage existing web UI test cases for accessibility checks, providing early detection of issues, and offering comprehensive reporting for rapid remediation.

As we move towards a more inclusive digital future, the value of shifting accessibility testing left cannot be overstated. It’s an approach that benefits not only users with disabilities but all users, while also providing significant advantages to businesses in terms of compliance, efficiency, and market reach. By embracing this approach and utilizing tools like Parasoft SOAtest, organizations can lead the way in creating a more accessible and inclusive digital world.

What Is Shift-Left Testing?