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Discover the Value of a Shift-Left Approach
for Test Automation

Accelerate the identification of defects and reduce costs by enabling a shift-left approach, which integrates testing earlier in the development process and results in higher quality software and faster product releases.

Labor Cost

What’s the average annual employee salary per year in USD?

Calculated per hour: $67 USD

Shift Left Analysis

Cost of a Defect

Implementation Phase
USD $0
Fixing defects during the implementation phase is least expensive. It typically involves only the developer’s time and requires minimal rework.
Verification Phase
USD $0
Identifying and fixing defects during the verification stage is moderately costly. It requires coordination between developers and QA teams and may lead to potential delays in the testing schedule.
Field Phase
USD $0
Addressing defects out in the field is the most expensive. It impacts customers, necessitating urgent patches, potential recalls, and damage to the product’s reputation.

*Calculations are based on industry C and C++ language averages, assumptions, and user-provided inputs, which may not fully capture the complexities of your specific project or environment. The results provided by this shift-left calculator are intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as guaranteed outcomes.