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Java Security Testing
Powered by Parasoft Jtest, the enterprise development testing solution for Java
Parasoft Jtest integrates critical industry security standards directly into your existing development processes. You can use Jtest to check compliance with security standards (OWASP, CWE, CERT, PCI DSS, etc.) through static analysis, and detect compliance vulnerabilities continuously throughout the development life cycle. For reporting, auditing, and continuous feedback to the whole team, Parasoft’s unique realtime feedback gives users a continuous view of compliance status, with interactive compliance dashboards, risk assessment widgets, and automatically-generated reports for compliance audits.
Tools that are designed to be used by security experts at the end of the development process don’t work in today’s DevOps world. You need technology that integrates directly into the developer’s IDE, and seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline. It needs to analyze code on-premise to help teams make security testing part of the process and pipeline from the very beginning.
With the Parasoft static code analysis tool, the security team defines the necessary policies upfront for the team, including secure coding standards, rules for avoiding insecure APIs or poor encryption, instructions for using static and dynamic analysis, and testing guidelines. With these policies in place, developers can work toward more secure software as part of their daily routine.
With security baked in at the start of development, the team will naturally become more proficient in security, and fewer security vulnerabilities will be found at the end of the pipeline. Those that do can then be investigated, root cause analysis can be performed, and inform improvements to the security policies and guidelines to continuously improve the efficiency of building security into development as each cycle progresses.
Using Parasoft Jtest, the developer can check their code locally on their machine before committing to source control, to catch and fix security violations when it’s cheaper and easier to do so.
Then, the same configuration is executed as part of the build process. This comprehensive analysis goes beyond the scope of the developer’s locally modified code, providing a safety-net to gate the delivery pipeline and ensure that insecure code does not get promoted to later stages.
Results of the analysis are sent back to the developer’s IDE, and to Parasoft’s web-based reporting and analytics dashboard, where progress can be tracked, course corrections made, and audit reports generated in real-time. Managers and security leads can assess projects based on security coding standards, and use the dashboards to answer important questions like whether the project is improving or getting worse, or which areas of the code are causing the most issues.
Unlike other static analysis solutions, that require users to map static analysis checkers to the security guideline in use, Parasoft’s checkers have the same IDs as the security guidelines themselves, making it much easier to scale and audit security compliance.
Parasoft Jtest is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing CI/CD pipeline, analyzing the code on premise or in your private cloud, protecting your critical business IP while performing security analysis.
With Parasoft Jtest, teams can understand their risk at any given time, according to the risk assessment framework for the security standard they are using. Additional business intelligence that helps users pinpoint exactly where risk lies allows software teams to focus on key areas of their product.
Raise the bar on Java code quality and boost team productivity with Parasoft Jtest.