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C/C++ Static Analysis
Powered by Parasoft C/C++test, the most complete development testing solution for C and C++
Parasoft C/C++test, a unified development testing solution for C and C++ uses the most comprehensive set of source code analysis techniques (pattern-based analysis, dataflow analysis, abstract interpretation, metrics, and more), verifying code quality with the largest number of checkers in the industry, provides actionable workflows to help the team prioritize findings and fix defects in the code. Parasoft C/C++test’s static analyzer provides the most complete coverage for common security standards, functional safety standards, and other industry-specific coding standards.
Parasoft C/C++test uses a state-of-the-art C/C++ code parsing engine to analyze the code under test, build abstract interpretation, and apply a C/C++ checker to find problems and violations in the code. Over 2500 different rules are shipped with the C/C++test tool, covering general best practices (Effective C++, Modern C++), industry standards (AUTOSAR C++ 14, MISRA*, JSF, CERT, CWE), and specialized bug finders (null pointer dereference, division by zero, memory leaks, and more).
The rules are grouped into predefined configurations, allowing a user to quickly configure the analysis.
Parasoft helps users manage results of testing, including prioritizing findings, suppressing unwanted findings, assigning findings to developers, and much more.
C and C++ static analysis can be performed either in the IDE (Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, etc.) or in the command-line interface (for automation/continuous integration scenarios). The results of the analysis can be accessed immediately (in the IDE, or with HTML/PDF/XML reports) or aggregated for further post-processing, reporting, and analytics. Parasoft’s Process Intelligence Engine seamlessly integrates with other components of the development environment (i.e. source control management system or requirements management system) to help users effectively manage development efforts. Users can, for example, view complete static analysis results only from the code that has changed between two different builds, or view coverage results achieved on only modified code.
To make C/C++ static analysis and unit testing more maintainable, Parasoft helps users manage results of testing, including prioritizing findings, suppressing unwanted findings, assigning findings to developers, and much more. Customizing the views of these results help teams focus on the warnings with the highest potential risk.
Parasoft C/C++test’s static analysis for C/C++ shine in a functional-safety development process, certified by TÜV SÜD to comply with ISO 26262 and IEC 61508, IEC 62304 and EN 50128. Our Qualification Kit with extra automation helps in tool qualification for DO-178C (and other standards) and reduces the burden of compliance documentation.
*“MISRA”, “MISRA C” and the triangle logo are registered trademarks of The MISRA Consortium Limited. ©The MISRA Consortium Limited, 2021. All rights reserved.
Parasoft C/C++test users benefit from an integrated approach to software development, with a combination of testing techniques (i.e. runtime analysis, unit testing, code coverage). Users don’t have to combine tools and vendors to gain a complete code quality solution, and for compliance efforts, tool qualification is simplified by only having to qualify one tool.
Parasoft C/C++test’s reporting and analytics dashboard enables users to benefit from Parasoft’s award-winning Process Intelligence Engine, which provides business intelligence about the current state of of the product, indicators about areas of risk in the code, and the ability to pinpoint and focus on key files and areas in the product.
In addition to 2500+ C/C++ static analysis rules that include better coverage for coding standards than any other vendor, Parasoft provides Qualification Kits and functional safety certifications, making Parasoft C/C++test the perfect fit for functional-safety development. Static analysis rule configurations are available out-of-the-box for safety and security standards.
Deliver safe, secure, reliable, and compliant C and C++ code with Parasoft C/C++test.