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C/C++ Code Coverage
C/C++ Code Coverage
Powered by Parasoft’s most complete development testing solution for C and C++
Code Coverage for C and C++
Parasoft solutions for code coverage provides critical feedback about the completeness and thoroughness of the testing process by correlating tests with coverage results.
How Does It Work?
Parasoft solutions for code coverage intelligently leverages information about the relationship of code coverage results to the test cases and changes made to the code for a more valuable coverage metric. Code coverage reports are gathered along with an understanding of how they relate to the test cases.
Presenting test results in this way prevents users from spending time and effort testing non-important functionality, without covering critical system requirements. This powerful solution is essential for achieving compliance with functional safety standards, such as DO-178B/C, ISO 26262, ISO 21434, IEC 61508, and others.
Benefit From the Parasoft Approach
Correlate Both Tests and Requirements to Source Code for Full Traceability
Parasoft correlates requirements not only with tests and test results, but also with requirements, and the source code created to implement requirements. Users can tag created code using flexible schema and provide this information to the reporting center, enabling detailed test and coverage reports focused on a selected requirement, without obfuscation that would otherwise came from the code related to other requirements. This capability enables a complete view of quality, bringing together test results, code analysis, and code coverage with requirements, enabling teams to get a better understanding of areas of risk, so they can focus remediation activities.
Get a Complete View of Test Coverage
Instead of just seeing the coverage results from unit testing alone, Parasoft C/C++test and C/C++test CT captures coverage information across different development testing practices, to provide a complete view of what was and wasn’t tested. Parasoft’s reporting and analytics dashboard also displays which tests were used to exercise the specific parts of the codebase, so users have complete traceability. This helps users understand how to most efficiently re-test the codebase and re-use tests to increase code coverage.
Focus on the Code and Tests That Matter to Reduce Risks
With Parasoft, teams can concentrate on code coverage for the areas of active development, instead of the entire codebase, which can be especially problematic when working with legacy codebases. Rather than solely trying to achieve a coverage number for the entire codebase, Parasoft helps you pinpoint the parts of the code that are changing. Parasoft’s reporting dashboard correlates the data from C/C++test with observed changes in the codebase to focus the development team on achieving higher levels of code coverage for those specific, modified parts of the codebase. With Parasoft, you can minimize the impact of changes by efficiently managing the change itself.
Parasoft C/C++test Resources
Deliver safe, secure, reliable, and compliant C and C++ code with Parasoft C/C++test.