Check code for compliance with a variety of industry security standards. Automatically generate the documentation your team needs to demonstrate compliance.
Out-of-the-Box Customizable Test Configurations
Effortlessly establish policies aligned with secure coding standards like CWE, OWASP, PCI DSS, CERT, and more. Checkers are named and mapped directly to the standard. Customize test configurations and easily share them across teams.
Compliance in the IDE and CI/CD Pipeline
Developers can check code locally for security violations and remediate vulnerabilities before committing it to source control. Easily integrate into CI/CD pipelines and automatically enforce quality gates to pass or fail a build based on user-defined quality thresholds.
Reporting, Auditing, and Continuous Feedback
Real-time feedback gives users a continuous view of compliance status with interactive compliance dashboards, risk assessment widgets, and automatically generated reports for compliance audits.