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See what API testing solution came out on top in the GigaOm Radar Report. Get your free analyst report >>
Parasoft Insure++
In complex software, even highly experienced developers can make mistakes in allocating, using, and releasing memory correctly, causing hard-to-find bugs that sometimes show up only after the software has been running for a long time. Parasoft Insure++ can detect memory leaks and improper access in the C/C++ environment.
Reduce your development and support costs by solving memory leaks and other memory problems early, before they become critical runtime problems in production.
Identify those hard-to-solve memory management issues throughout your code base by using our patented technology.
Find defects in your third-party libraries and examine your runtime behavior and resource allocation through graphical views.
Use Insure++ to reduce your development cost and eliminate long hours of tedious debugging.
Use what you have. Parasoft Insure++ integrates with a wide variety of build systems and frameworks. Test and scale within your existing development environment.
Find and fix memory management issues early with Parasoft Insure++.